1. Place 40grams of Drua Kava into a food-grade “Drua Kava” strainer bag (available on this site)
  1. Place the strainer containing the Kava powder into an empty bowl.
  1. Next, pour 800ml-1litre of warm, bottled, or tap water directly into the bag with the Kava (make sure the powder stays inside!)
  1. Let this sit in the bowl for a one minute to loosen the tougher fibers
  1. Pull the cords at the top of your Drua Kava strainer bag so as to close it then gently press out all the excess air.
  1. Knead the bag in the bowl using your fingers from time to time twist it to strain all the water out.
  1. After a few minutes, your water should turn densely brown and should start feeling a bit oily.
  1. Continue kneading until you can feel the pieces of remaining fiber (called the “Kosa”) inside the Drua Kava strainer bag with your fingers
  1. Your kava is ready!
  1. Fill a coconut shell, cup, or glass with the Kava and drink in one shot, i.e. skulling while also allowing the Kava water to float over your tounge and wash inside your mouth;